Recent Board Meeting Minutes

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Mission Statement

80-20 Educational Foundation is a 501(C)(3) tax-exempt organization. It is devoted to furthering equal opportunity in the workplace and equal justice for Asian Americans. It has the same goals as 80-20 Initiative, Inc. with an overlapping Board. However, these organizations use different approaches. 80-20 Educational Foundation focuses on political education, it does not take political action such as endorsement of political candidates. The two organizations, while sharing the same goal, are operated independently. All donations to this Foundation are tax deductible.

Board of Directors

President – S B Woo

S B received his Ph D in physics from Washington University in St. Louis in 1964. He was a Professor of Physics and a trustee of the University of Delaware. He was the founding president and chief negotiator of the Faculty Bargaining Unit at that University.

S B was elected Lt. Governor of Delaware in 1985, the highest elected state office in the continental USA held by an Asian American at the time. He later was an Institute Fellow at the Kennedy School of Government at Harvard University. He is listed in Who’s Who in America and a life-size picture of him is on display in the Smithsonian National Museum of American History in Washington, D C.

S B was the national president of the Organization of Chinese Americans (OCA) in 1991. He is a founding member and the Immediate Past President of 80-20 Initiative.

Board Treasurer – Dr. Wei-Jing Zhu (N. California)

A first place winner of the 1986 Westinghouse (later Intel and now Regeneron) Science Talent Search, Wei-Jing received his A.B. from Harvard College and Ph.D. in theoretical physics from Cornell University. While at IBM Research, he co-authored the seminal BLEU metric for automatic evaluation of Statistical Machine Translation systems. He has been a quantitative researcher in finance for more than 10 years, including being the Vice President of Quantitative Core Team at Two Sigma Investments. Currently he is the CEO and Co-Founder of Cherith Analytics.

Wei-Jing has been actively involved in builiding community at local Chinese schools, Asian American churches, and company Asian American networks. He is an 80-20 Family Life Member and supporter since 2000.

Board Secretary – Jing-Li Yu (New York)

Jing-Li Yu is a long-time Board member and former employee of 80-20. Between 2002-2006, Jing was the Special Assistant to the President, and then the Operations Director, for the 80-20 Initiative. From 2006 to the present, Jing has served as a volunteer director and officer of the 80-20 Boards. He is currently the Secretary of the 80-20 Educational Foundation and the Treasurer of the 80-20 AAEPAC.

Professionally, Jing has been a lawyer since 2010. In the first half of his legal career, he primarily represented companies defending against government investigations. In the second half of his legal career, he has primarily represented investors in lawsuits against company board directors and officers for breach of fiduciary duty.

Jing has been a resident of Queens, New York, since he was 9 years old. For most of his life, he has lived among New York City's largest Chinese and Korean American communities. He went to Hunter College High School in Manhattan. He graduated from the University of Pennsylvania in two years with a B.A. in economics. He also has an M.A. in Social Sciences from the University of Chicago, and a J.D. from the University of Chicago Law School.

Board Member – Dr. Alice S. Huang (S. California)

Dr. Huang attended Wellesley College and Johns Hopkins University where she received a Ph.D. in Microbiology. After further training at the Salk Institute and M.I.T. she joined the faculty at Harvard Medical School where she received tenure. She directed the Infectious Disease Unit at the Boston Children’s Hospital and subsequently became the Dean for Science at NYU. She has advised Minister K.T. Li in the establishment of the Science Council in Taiwan and was a founding advisor for the Institute for Molecular Cell Biology in Singapore. She is a past President of the American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS) as well as the American Society for Microbiology. Dr. Huang first supported 80-20 in its early years and joined the Board in 2007. She is currently Senior Faculty Associate at the California Institute of Technology.

Board Member – Yueh-Ting Lee

Yueh-Ting (Y-T) Lee received his Ph.D. in social psychology from State University of New York (SUNY) at Stony Brook (or Stony Brook University) and also completed his postdoctoral training and research at the University of Pennsylvania. Currently he is a Professor of Psychology at Southern Illinois University (SIU) at Carbondale where he also served as the Dean of the Graduate School (2015-2019). Before he came to SIU, Dr. Lee had served as an administrator in various capacities, including Dean of the College of Arts and Sciences both at Minot State University in North Dakota and at the University of Toledo, Ohio.

Dr. Y-T Lee has been strongly supportive of the 80-20 mission and its initiatives since 2000. In 2008-2012, he was actively engaged in Asian American communities via several grassroots initiatives in the Midwest areas (e.g., in NW Ohio, SW Ohio, NE Ohio, and SE Michigan) to strengthen 80-20 PAC. He had served on the 80-20 PAC Board for six years (2009-2015). Since December 2020, he has been serving on the Board of the 80-20 National Asian American Educational Foundation.

Board Member – David Lee

David Lee is a 4th generation Asian American best known for his education advocacy for the Specialized High School Admission Test (SHSAT) in New York City. He is presently Chair of the League of Asian Americans of New York, which seeks greater representation of AAPI in government affairs and serves as the Commander of the Sons of the American Legion in New York’s Chinatown. He has encouraged thousands to be civically active and founded many community organizations including the New York Chapter of the Chinese American Citizens Alliance which helped with the passage of the Congressional Gold Medal for Chinese American WW2 Veterans. He is a co-chair of NYC mayor elect Eric Adams transition team.

Professionally, David was Assistant to the Chair and CEO of Allied Stores, the predecessor of Macy’s and is presently an asset manager. David is a graduate of the NYU Stern School of Business and received an MBA in finance from St John’s University.

Board Advisor – Michelle Lee

Michelle Lee volunteers as counsel to Stand with Asian Americans focusing on its Workplace Justice Initiative. Previously, Michelle served as the General Counsel of Investments for 15 years at Portfolio Advisors, an alternative asset management firm with +$40 billion in AUM. She was involved in the formation, structuring and ongoing operations and investments of US and offshore private equity, credit, real estate and venture funds as well as managed accounts and customized investment solutions. Michelle began her career as a corporate associate at Latham & Watkins. Michelle is also a Network of Korean American Leadership XIII fellow. Michelle received her J.D. from Yale Law School and her B.A. in Biology from Yale University. She is a member of the California State Bar.

Staff Member – Lily Yuying Ren (New York)

  • Dedicated education worker with abundant social service experience.
  • M.A. in International Educational Development, Columbia University, Teachers College.
  • B.A. in Asian Studies, Vanderbilt University.
  • Speaker of Mandarin Chinese, Korean, and Japanese.


latest version, amended 20240409


1.1 Name. The name of this corporation is 80-20 Educational Foundation, henceforth called the 80-20 Ed Foundation.

1.2 Location of Other Offices. The Board may at any time establish branch or subordinate offices at any place or places where the Corporation is qualified to conduct its activities.


The purposes of the Corporation are charitable and dedicated to the education of Asian Pacific Americans (APA) in the area of public affairs and participation in the democratic process of the nation and to win equal justice and equal opportunity. The 80-20 Ed Foundation shall sponsor and provide financial support for programs and activities that develop APA leadership in the public sector, raise public awareness of Asian Pacific concerns and their impact on policy and decision-making in government, to eliminate prejudice and discrimination. Activities include but not limited to:

  1. Sponsor July 4 flag project in the APA communities.
  2. Fight negative stereotyping of Asian Pacific Americans.
  3. Advocate for appointment of APA to top level government positions.
  4. Fight against unjust government prosecution of APA.
  5. Pursue equal opportunity in the workplaces for APA, including legal actions.
  6. Provide workshops to develop APA leaders in public affairs.
  7. Promote inter-ethnic and inter-racial collaboration.


The Corporation shall have no members. Any action, which would otherwise require approval by a majority of all members or approval by the members, shall require only approval of the Board. All rights, which would otherwise vest in the members, shall vest in the directors.


4.1 Powers of Directors.

    1. General Corporate Powers. Subject to the provisions and limitations of section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code and any other applicable laws, and subject to any limitations in the Articles of Incorporation or Bylaws relating to action requiring approval by the members, the activities, business, and affairs of the Corporation shall be managed, and all corporate powers shall be exercised, by or under the direction of the Board.
    2. Limitation of Powers. No substantial part of the activities of the Corporation shall be carried out to influence legislation, and the Corporation shall not participate in, or intervene in (including the publishing or distribution of statements) any political campaign on behalf of or in opposition to any candidate for public office.
    3. Specific Powers. Without prejudice to the general powers set forth in Section 4.1(a) of these Bylaws, but subject to the same limitations, the Board shall have the following powers in addition to other powers enumerated in theses Bylaws:

      (i) to select and remove at the pleasure of the Board all officers, agents, and employees; to prescribe powers and duties for them as may be consistent with law, the Articles of Incorporation, and these Bylaws; to fix their compensation; and to require from them security for faithful service.

      (ii) to conduct, manage, and control the affairs and activities of the Corporation and make such rules and regulations for this purpose, consistent with law, the Articles of Incorporation, and these Bylaws

      (iii) to borrow money and incur indebtedness on behalf of the Corporation, and cause to be executed and delivered for the Corporation’s purposes, in the corporate name, promissory notes, bonds, debentures, deeds of trust, mortgages, pledges, hypothecations, and other evidences of debt and securities

    4. Delegation of Management. The Board may delegate the management of the activities of the Corporation to any person or persons, a management company, or committees however composed, provided that the activities and affairs of the Corporation shall be managed and all corporate power shall be exercised under the ultimate direction of the Board

4.2 Number and Qualification of Directors.

    1. Authorized Number. The Board of directors shall consist of no less than six (6) and no more than twelve (12) directors.
    2. Term of Office and Election. The initial directors of the Corporation shall be those persons named in the Articles of Incorporation and they shall hold office until their successors and additional directors are chosen at the first annual meeting of the Board. Thereafter, each director shall serve a two-year term. Directors can be elected for additional two-year terms. Directors shall be elected by the members of the Board present at the annual meeting.

4.3 Vacancies on the Board of Directors.

    1. Filling of Vacancies. Any vacancy occurring on the Board resulting from the death, resignation, retirement, disqualification or removal from office of the Board shall be filled by the affirmative vote of 2/3 of the directors then in office.
    2. Resignations. Any director may resign by giving written notice to the president or the secretary. The resignation shall be effective when the notice is given unless it specifies a later time for the resignation to become effective. If a director’s resignation is effective at a later time, the Board may elect a successor to take office as of the date when the resignation becomes effective.
    3. Removal. Any director may be removed, for cause such as convicted of a felony, by the affirmative vote of a majority of the Board.
    4. Compensation and Reimbursement. Directors and members of committees shall receive no compensation for their services as directors, but may receive reimbursement for expenses in attending meetings.
    5. Limitations on Liability of Directors. No Directors of the Corporation shall be personally liable to the Corporation for monetary damages for an act or omission in the Director’s capacity as a Director; provided, however, that the foregoing provision shall not eliminate or limit the liability of a Director to the extent a Director is found liable for (i) breach of the Director’s duty of loyalty to the Corporation, (ii) an act or omission not in good faith that constitutes a breach of duty of the Director to the Corporation or an act of omission that involves intentional misconduct or a knowing violation of the law, (iii) a transaction from which the Director received an improper benefit, whether or not the benefit resulted from an action taken within the scope of the Director’s office, or (iv) an act or omission for which the liability of the Director is expressly provided by an applicable statute.

4.4 Directors’ Meeting.

    1. Place of Meetings. Regular or special meetings of the Board may be held at any place within the United States consented to in writing by a majority of the Board members.
    2. Meetings by Telephone. Any meeting may be held by conference telephone or similar communication equipment, as long as all directors participating in the meeting can hear one another. All such directors shall be deemed to be present in person at such a meeting.
    3. Annual Meeting. The Board shall hold an annual meeting for the purpose of organization, selection of directors and officers, and the transaction of other business. Annual meetings of the Board shall be held in February or March.
    4. Special Meetings. Special meetings of the Board may be called by the president, or any two officers, or any three directors. Notice of the time and place of special meetings shall be given to each director by first-class mail, telephone, electronic mail or by facsimile at least 48 hours before the time set for the meeting.
    5. Quorum. A majority of the authorized number of directors shall constitute a quorum for the transaction of business.

4.5 Automatic Resignation.

      A Board Member who has missed 3 consecutive meetings or mail votes in 3 separate occasions, without being excused by the Board or the President, will be ruled by the Board as having automatically resigned.


5.1 Officers of the Corporation. The officers of the 80-20 Educational Foundation shall be composed of a President, a Vice President, a Secretary and a Treasurer. The term of officers is two years.

5.2 Election of Officers. Officers shall be elected by the Board at its annual meeting..

5.3 Removal of Officers. Any officer of the 80-20 Educational Foundation may be removed from office by a two-third (2/3) vote of the Board of Directors.

5.4 Resignation of Officers. Any officer may resign at any time by giving written notice to the 80-20 Ed Foundation. The resignation shall take effect as of the date the notice is received or at any later time specified in the notice and, unless otherwise specified in the notice, the resignation need not be accepted to be effective. Any resignation shall be without prejudice to the rights, if any, of the 80-20 Ed Foundation under any contract to which the officer is a party.

5.5 Responsibilities of Officers.

    1. President. The President shall:
      1. Call the annual Board meeting. Failure to do so in 2 consecutive years shall result in automatic resignation, unless the Board grants an exception.
      2. Act as representative and coordinator of all official functions of the 80-20 Educational Foundation and preside at all meetings
      3. Coordinate the functions and activities of various committees.
      4. Appoint, with approval of the Board, an officer in case of vacancy.
      5. Appoint, with approval of the Board, the committee chairpersons.
      6. Invite advisors for the 80-20 Educational Foundation and for various committees.
      7. Serve as ex-officio member of all committees.
      8. Annually raise funds that are equal to or more than the annual total expenditure of this organization.
    2. Vice President. The vice President shall:
      1. Assume the responsibilities of the President when the latter is unable to perform his/her duties.
      2. Serve as ex-officio member of all committees.
      3. Assist the President in fund-raising activities.
    3. Secretary. The Secretary shall:
      1. Be responsible for all documents, minutes and records of all official meetings and activities of the 80-20 Ed Foundation. Meeting minutes must be submitted within 7 days of the date of the Board meeting.
      2. Assist the President in the preparation of all written materials.
      3. Assist the President in the planning of all meetings.
      4. Assist the President in fund-raising events.
    4. Treasurer. The Treasurer shall:
      1. Act as custodian of all funds of the 80-20 Ed Foundation.
      2. Disburse the funds of the 80-20 Ed Foundation under the supervision of the President.
      3. Present financial report at each board meeting and immediately prior to his/her resignation or termination of office.
      4. Assist the President in fund-raising events.
      5. Review by January 10 of each calendar year services that 80-20 EF pays a monthly or annual fee for; the Treasurer shall propose to the President to discontinue any such service that he or she deems to no longer be necessary, and with the consent of the President shall effect such discontinuation.


For the operational expenses of EF only the president, with the approval of a majority of the Board, may withdraw up to 4% of the assets of the LP Financial account, per year. The total annual deficit of 80-20 Educational Foundation shall not exceed 4% of the principal held by LPL Financial. If the deficit exceeds 4% by December 31 of the year, the President shall be deemed to have automatically resigned, unless the Board grants an exception.


7.1:To ensure proper oversight of 80-20 Ed Foundation's assets, all such assets shall be held in account(s) where 80-20 Educational Foundation (delete: the president of 80-20) shall be designated the “owner”, the President of 80-20 shall be given day-to-day control of the account(s), the Treasurer shall perform his duties as specified in 5.5 d, and another Board director shall serve as the “monitor. The "monitor" shall have full visibility into every transaction into and out of 80-20 Ed Foundation's account(s) that hold all of 80-20 Ed Foundation's assets. All decisions concerning any transaction of above $500 of 80-20 Ed Foundation's asset(s) must be approved by two of the three above. The "monitor" shall be elected by a majority vote of the Board.

7.2: Any planned transfer of assets out of the above-referenced account(s) of at least $25,000 shall be reported to the Board at least 5 business days before such transaction is made. During these 5 business days, a majority of the Board may vote to prohibit the transaction, and the Board decision shall be binding.


8.1 Parliamentary Authority. Proceedings of 80-20 Ed. Foundation shall be governed by the current edition of Robert’s Rules of Order Revised.

8.2 Fiscal Year. The fiscal year of 80-20 Ed. Foundation shall be from January 1st to December 31st.

8.3 Financial decisions. Expenditures and investments shall be made jointly by the Officers of the Corporation.

8.4 Checks, Drafts, Notes. Checks, drafts and notes in excess of $25,000.00, issued by 80-20 Ed Foundation, shall be signed by the Treasurer and the President.


If a Director, officer, employees or agent of the organization, or any testate or in testate successor thereof, is made, or threatened to be made, a party to any civil or criminal action of proceeding in any matter arising from his or her status in the organization or from the performance of his or her duties for or on behalf of the organization, then, to the fullest extent now or hereafter permitted by law, upon affirmative vote of the Board of Directors, a quorum of directors being present at the time of the vote who are not parties to the action or proceeding, the organization shall:

  1. advance to such directors, officer, employee, agent or successor thereof all sums found by the Board, so voting, to be necessary and appropriate to enable the Director, officer, employee, agent or successor thereof to conduct his or her defense, or appeal, in the action or proceeding; and
  2. indemnify such director, officer, employee, agent or successor thereof for all sums paid by him or her in the way of judgments, fines, amounts paid in settlement, and reasonable expenses, including attorneys’ fees actually and necessarily incurred, in connection with the action or proceeding, or appeal thereon, subject to the proper application of credit for any sums advanced to the Director, officer, employee, agent or successor thereof pursuant to cause (a) of this Article.


Upon the dissolution of the Corporation, the Board of Directors of the Corporation shall, after paying or making provision for the payment of all of the debts, claims and liabilities of the Corporation, dispose of all of the assets of the Corporation exclusively for the purposes of the Corporation in such manner, or to such organization or organizations organized and operated exclusively for charitable, scientific or educational purposes as shall at the time qualify as an exempt organization or organizations under Section 501(c)(3) of the code, as the Board of Directors of the Corporation shall determine.


New Bylaws may be adopted, or these Bylaws may be amended or repealed, by a 2/3 vote of approval by the Board.

Adopted June 22, 2018

Amended April 9, 2024